Internet Explorer 11 does not show picture


Viewed 944 times


Internet Explorer 11 here in the company does not show AN image that is hosted on our website. You can test by the link Link to the image

Appears in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, but not explorer 11.

I already confirmed the IE settings, everything is ok. There are about 6 computers here in the company where the image does not appear. Any hint?

1 answer


This image has the wrong extension. It is a PNG (not JPEG) image, according to the command file.

$ file logo_header.jpg
logo_header.jpg: PNG image data, 903 x 167, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced

Other browsers certainly use some technique to identify the file type rather than relying on the extension, unlike IE11.

So just rename logo_header.jpg for logo_header.png.

  • Just because the image is transparent you understood that it is a .png ?

  • @Deesouza realized that it was not JPG because it had transparency, but until then it could be TIFF, GIF or something else (?). I confirmed that it was PNG with the file command.

  • Hours are spent looking and searching for solutions that we end up not seeing what should be obvious. Thank you. It already works!

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