Colorize Listview Line Delphi Android


Viewed 3,287 times


How to change the color of a Delphi listview line / Android ?

To have the color changed as any condition is true:

se a = 1 then 
   listview.linha?.? := clBlue
   listview.linha?.? := clRed;

1 answer


Add a component TListView.

In our example we will popular the Listview at the event FormCreate:

  i, j : Integer;
  for i := 1 to 10 do
    with Listview1.Items.Add do begin
      Caption := 'Item '+ IntToStr(i);
      for j := 1 to 3 do
        Subitems.Add('SubItem '+IntToStr(i)+IntToStr(j));

At the event OnCustomDrawItem of the component TListView:

  if Odd(item.index) then
    Listview1.Canvas.Brush.Color := clred//Todas as linhas Ímpares
    ListView1.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;//Todas as linhas pares

Now just use your imagination and start adding the Conditions!

  • 1

    but the problem that on android does not have "Oncustomdrawitem" is exactly where the business is picking up... the options of canvas.Brush is no longer the same.

  • I am unable to compile an android version, but.... There is an event called Onpaint that accepts Canvas, I’ve used something similar like: Listview1.ItemAppearanceObjects.Itemeditobjects.Text.Textcolor := $F6F6F6;

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