How do I make Google understand my Links?


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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If we type Globe in Google the result appears as the image above.

1 - How can I make my site look like this too ?

2 - Google does this on its own ?

I am in the tool of Google Webmaster Tools and when I do a test appears the following to me:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Tell me the path to my site is inaccessible. But the address works normally in the browser and has the meta tag:

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">

I mean, it’s for indexing.

I just joined the Google site that tests Structured Data. When I will test appears:

The URL is inaccessible. Check if you can access robots.txt and if the server is responding with a 200 status code.

I went on the site and I checked that you are responding with code 200. I have been researching and says that it can be something in my meta tags.

They’re like this:

<meta name="description" content="{{ strip_tags(trans('quem-somos.principal.chamada')) }}">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<meta name="google" content="notranslate" />
<meta itemprop="url" content=">

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="pt-br" href="{{ URLController::format(null,Request::url()) }}" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="{{ URLController::format('en',Request::url()) }}" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="{{ URLController::format('es',Request::url()) }}" />
  • 1

    Like that beer commercial says, "Good question" +1

  • Also ask how to get the search bar!

  • I don’t understand @Wallacemaxters. Search bar ? You speak Google Instant ?

  • In the image of your question there is a search bar on top of the links. "Globe". I want to put this on cardvantagens, the social network here of the company also.

  • When I had to do this I used the Google Webmasters tool, very simple.

  • @Deesouza gave me inspiration to ask

  • Oh I got @Wallacemaxters. I hadn’t even noticed this bar. I never noticed. Very good idea.

  • Now that @bigown has answered, you’ll have to ask another question:

  • This is it here.

  • @Wallacemaxters actually have to apply this here to the search bar inside the result.

  • I’ve been studying this guy for a while @Deesouza

  • @Wallacemaxters I implemented her on this site that was causing me this problem. If it works I tell you.

  • @Deesouza, I noticed that Globo uses the input[type=search]. Does it can influence?

  • I don’t think so. I believe it’s just to differentiate the text of search, as well as the date. The date until it is necessary, but the search I haven’t read any advantage yet.

  • I speak for semantics, where the robots will read, not that search of a new functionality.

  • Sitelinks worked! In just 3 days... this shows that my SEO techniques are good. Now just missing the search field appear between the Site and the Sitelinks. Let’s see...

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1 answer


This is called sitelinks. It is not guaranteed to appear. The criteria is the search engine. You can give better conditions for this to happen, but the sites that manage are rare. Visits to the site influence.

Read to documentation with more details than do to give the minimum conditions to appear to your site.

One of the mechanisms to facilitate it activates is to have a sitemap. Is a format developed to help search engines give more semantics to your site. Today there are other mechanisms that recognize this.

A good start on how to use it can be obtained in the help center of Google. A Wikipedia has enough useful information about the format.

There are tools that help to assemble it. Of course it’s just a help. If you could do everything good automatically, you wouldn’t need it.

It is very useful when the site is complex and has technologies that make it difficult to track. For example Javascript. Today there is a myth that Google understands pages with JS. Understand certain things, it cannot interpret everything that a user would do on the page. So if you have a spa a sitemap can help a lot, but I doubt it is feasible to make one for this type of page, the combinations are many.

Obviously the site needs to be appropriately indexed for this to occur.

  • The mechanisms do not guarantee that this will be done. They can use it as they wish. Each mechanism has a criterion to identify how to use it. Other than that there may be some problem that is preventing its use. Not that it is a mistake, but some situation that determines that you do not need to do this. Not like everyone else, but it usually takes a while to analyze.

  • Still, there is no guarantee that the sitemap will be used. If I see anything specific, I speak.

  • Not being indexed is another problem. Of course being indexed is a prime condition, but it’s not enough.

  • Yes, but these problems have to do with indexing only.

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