I can’t fix this bug in Python, I’m a beginner


Viewed 320 times


Well I need to do this multiplication but give the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Guilherme\Desktop\dasdsa.py", line 17, in <module>
    conta = (trans1) * trans2
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'tuple'

What do I do? Do I need a type of variable that does the multiplication with comma? because I tried to put in float but it still didn’t work, I couldn’t convert the trans1 to float, what my options?


import urllib.request

page = urllib.request.urlopen("http://dolarhoje.com/")
text = page.read().decode("utf8")

price = text[9938:9942]

trans1 = (price)

usertap = input("Coloque o real aqui:")
trans2 = tuple(usertap)
conta = (trans1) * trans2

  • BTW, has a line with a tuple(price) alone that does nothing. The title of your question could also be more specific.

3 answers


If the error is based on the comma instead of the point, just replace it. By the code you show, there is no need to use tuples:

import urllib.request

page = urllib.request.urlopen("http://dolarhoje.com/")
text = page.read().decode("utf8")

raw_price = text[9938:9942]
# substitui a pontuação e converte para float
price = float(raw_price.replace(',', '.'))

raw_usertap = input("Coloque o real aqui: ")
# o mesmo procedimento feito anteriormente só que com a entrada do usuário
usertap = float(raw_usertap.replace(',', '.'))

conta = price * usertap



The correct one would be to transform both variables to the same type (in this case, or an integer or floating point). Something like this:

trans1 = Float(price)
trans2 = Float(usertap)

However, the snippet of the page you chose (Storing in price) is resulting in letters, not numbers. Probably due to website changes or something... I would recommend using Beautifulsoup at the time of handling the HTML file to avoid this type of error.


In your program, trans1 and trans2 are of the tuple type (apparently, tuples of characters). To do against you need to be numbers

trans1 = float(price)
trans2 = float(usertap)
  • So, I already tried to float it but give the following error: Traceback (Most recent call last): File "C: Users Guilherme Desktop dasdsa.py", line 11, in <module> float(price) Valueerror: could not Convert string to float: '3,88'

  • The problem is that it cannot convert the comma. If it were a point it would work.

  • So the only way would it be, would I change what’s inside price? In this case this 3.87. Would I have to change it? Only then would it work?

  • 1

    That’s one way to solve the problem.

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