Sql - postgres - Arbitrary accuracy ::


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How arbitrary precision works when defining the column as numeric?

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1 answer


From the Postgres manual we can see that the Numeric has:

131072 digits before decimal point
16383 digits after decimal point

This is the default value, however it is possible to set this pattern with :

numeric(num1, num2)

In which num1 is accuracy, or how many digits I want to have my Numeric.
And num2 is how many decimals he must have.

It should be noted that num2 uses the definition of num1 that is, it is not a sum of digits, is the use of it, example:

EX1 : numeric(12,2) // estou dizendo que terei 12 digitos, sendo 2 decimais.
EX2 : numeric(8,6)  // estou dizendo que terei 8 digitos, sendo 6 decimais.

In this situation of mine EX1 sluice 9.999.999.999,99.
While EX2 can’t get past 99,999999; because I set a total of 8 digits to 6 decimal places.


subtracting num2 of num1 we will have the amount of decimals supported in our column.

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