Validation of URL parameters


Viewed 114 times


I would like opinions on an issue, perhaps even simple, just to know more ways to do it. The situation is as follows:

NOTE: I use in this example . Net Framework 4.0 with a lot of Javascript, I only use Code-Behind to catch the QueryStrings and store them in input hidden's, all business rule is made in a web service (.amx).

01- You send an id = 1 to an editing page by clicking on the link.

< a href="http://site/editar.aspx?IdPessoa=1" >Editar< /a >

02- On the page edit.aspx through Code-Behind you play in a input hidden (txtIdPessoa):

this.txtIdPessoa.Value = (Request.QueryString["IdPessoa"] ?? string.Empty).Trim();

03- On this page edit.aspx has the other fields for editing the person. After the person fills in all fields he will save, done through jquery ajax, sending values to a method (SalvarDados()) of a web service:

            type: "POST",
            url: "http://site/WebService1.asmx/SalvarDados",
            data: "{'idpessoa':'" + $("#txtIdPessoa").val() + "','nome':'" + $("#txtNomePessoa").val()  + "'}",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (resposta) {
            error: function (xhr, msg, e) {

04- But you can take a swindle there, if before clicking save you enter in the url the code below:


05- When saving, you will edit to someone else, from Id = 2, doubt is how to store this IdPessoa, without being altered in this way? How do you use?

06- There are validations on client and server, here I just posted in a simple way, the problem is that this script does not refresh on the page.

1 answer


1 - I would use GUID instead of INT, only this would solve all the problems.

2 - If you save in Sesssion or Viewstate, the user cannot change in Client.

Session["Idpessoa] = Request.Querystring["Idpessoa"];

3 - Pass SESSION value and not Hidden input.

4 - If you are in Session/Viewstate you cannot change.

5 - I don’t understand

6 - I didn’t understand very well.

  • Opa Paulo, Valew por responder, I had thought of using both GUID and Session, my system will have a lot of tables and records. The GUID uses 16 bytes while the int uses only 4. But it may not increase the space used by the database as much. This may be the best option in this case, eliminating item 5. Obg, hugs

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