I would like opinions on an issue, perhaps even simple, just to know more ways to do it. The situation is as follows:
NOTE: I use in this example . Net Framework 4.0 with a lot of Javascript, I only use Code-Behind to catch the QueryStrings
and store them in input hidden's
, all business rule is made in a web service (.amx).
01- You send an id = 1 to an editing page by clicking on the link.
< a href="http://site/editar.aspx?IdPessoa=1" >Editar< /a >
02- On the page edit.aspx through Code-Behind you play in a input hidden
this.txtIdPessoa.Value = (Request.QueryString["IdPessoa"] ?? string.Empty).Trim();
03- On this page edit.aspx has the other fields for editing the person. After the person fills in all fields he will save, done through jquery ajax, sending values to a method (SalvarDados()
) of a web service:
type: "POST",
url: "http://site/WebService1.asmx/SalvarDados",
data: "{'idpessoa':'" + $("#txtIdPessoa").val() + "','nome':'" + $("#txtNomePessoa").val() + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (resposta) {
error: function (xhr, msg, e) {
04- But you can take a swindle there, if before clicking save you enter in the url the code below:
05- When saving, you will edit to someone else, from Id = 2
, doubt is how to store this IdPessoa
, without being altered in this way? How do you use?
06- There are validations on client and server, here I just posted in a simple way, the problem is that this script does not refresh on the page.
Dude, give a read on [help] and on how to ask a good question.
– Jéf Bueno