How to recover the html displayed in a Uiwebview with Swift for IOS


Viewed 74 times


When my application starts the method viewDidLoad executes a code snippet that accesses an X site, retrieves an HTML form and displays it in a Uiwebview.

My problem is this, when a link is clicked I need to intercept the return HTML to perform another treatment, however, I do not know how to detect that the webview was updated with a new request nor how to pick up the html there.

2 answers


in HTML...

<input id="myId" type="hidden" value="TextValue"/>

in Swift...

var id:String = IBwebView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("document.getElementById('myId').value")!

in Obj c:

NSString* value = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById('myId').value"];
  • I need to capture all the return html, I mean, I want to capture all the return code.


You must implement the protocol Uiwebviewdelegate, and perform the action you need in the method viewDidFinishLoad.

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