I’m filling in mine $scope
via Javascript using the following code:
myApp.controller('gruposController', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', 'usuariosFactory', '$timeout', function ($scope, $http, $window, membrosFactory, $timeout) {
// Cria um namespace para os dados do formulário
$scope.formData = {
/* Inicializa os participantes / aprovadores para que não seja preciso
* validar no controller principal
participantes: [],
aprovadores: []
// [...]
function atualizarGrupo(id) {
// Promisse para processar a requisição
var grupoPromise = $scope.getGrupo(id);
// Função para executar caso tudo ocorra normalmente
function(response) {
// Mostra a tela
var grupo = angular.fromJson(response.data);
$scope.formData.grupo = grupo.grupo;
$scope.formData.descricao = grupo.descricao;
// Reseta os participantes e aprovadores
$scope.formData.aprovadores = [];
$scope.formData.participantes = [];
var usuarios = grupo.usuarios;
// Lógica para preencher os aprovadores e participantes
if (usuarios.length > 0) {
angular.forEach(usuarios, function(usuario, key) {
var usuarioID = usuario.id;
if (usuario.pivot.aprovador == 1) {
// Aplica as mudanças ao objeto $scope
$timeout(function() {
function(response) {
console.log('Error: ' + response.statusText);
Below, how is the HTML:
<div id="add-group" ng-controller="gruposController">
<h1><strong>Adicionar</strong> Grupo</h1>
<hr />
<form action="" class="form-horizontal">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" ng-model="formData.id" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Nome do grupo*</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" name="grupo" ng-model="formData.grupo" class="form-control" value="" required="required" placeholder="">
The Binding when typing a value in inputs occurs correctly, just like when I run a console.log($scope)
it shows the correct data, but the inputs do not update in the form. I saw that when executing the $scope.$apply()
in the $timeout
theoretically I would update my $scope
visually, but this did not happen.
Usually this happens because the fields that should be updated are outside the scope of the controller that you defined post also html pf
– Emir Marques
Another thing, where you declared the $Scope?
– Emir Marques
updated the issue with the codes you requested. The Binding default (by changing the values of inputs) works normally. The problem is in manually sending JS values to inputs. I believe only then.
– juniorgarcia
Do a test. Remove the value="" attribute from your input
– Emir Marques
Same thing. Actually this I inserted later for other purposes.
– juniorgarcia
http://www.jeffryhouser.com/index.cfm/2014/6/How-do-I-run-code-when-a-variable-changes-with-AngularJS It says here the problem is that to update $Scope you need to interact with the user, so it’s not working. Only, in my case, I need a fancybox to open now with the data (my application is virtually 100% Ajax).
– juniorgarcia
post your source in jsfiddle.net for some tests
– Emir Marques