How to set flash in CAKEPHP view?


Viewed 306 times


In the method in my controller I select the flash, according to the condition.

if ($this->Auth->user()) {  
//redireciona apos o login;  

echo $this->Session->setFlash("Bem-vindo");  

How can I display this directly from the view instead of in the method? For example, the method would return true in case of logged in and on the page to which I directed the user I would access the flash message or something like.

I don’t want to use echo, since it is a short and temporary message or until the page is reloaded or updated.

I tried to access the $this->Session->setFlash(), but gives helper error. Maybe, me creating a helper would solve the problem then? The $this->Session->flash() no message. I would only access a component, in case it could be the Auth, for example: $this->Session->flash('Auth');

Someone suggests something?

2 answers


I don’t know which version of Cakephp you’re using, but in 1.2 just use the $Session helper and call the flash() method without "echo"

if ($session -> check('Message.flash')) {
  $session -> flash();
<div>sua pagina normal</div>



Since you didn’t specify which version, I’m complementing the answer from Claytinho

In the version 2.x from Cakephp

// In the view.
echo $this->Session->flash();

In the version 3.x from Cakephp

// In your Controller
$this->Flash->success('The user has been saved', [
    'key' => 'positive',
    'params' => [
        'name' => $user->name,
        'email' => $user->email

// In your View
<?= $this->Flash->render('positive') ?>

<!-- In src/Template/Element/Flash/success.ctp -->
<div id="flash-<?= h($key) ?>" class="message-info success">
    <?= h($message) ?>: <?= h($params['name']) ?>, <?= h($params['email']) ?>.

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