How to convert a string to Base64 in Python?


Viewed 2,938 times


I am starting in Python and come from PHP.

To convert a string to base 64 in PHP, I do it as follows:

base64_encode('stack overflow'); //c3RhY2sgb3ZlcmZsb3c=

And in the Python, how do I do that?

  • 1

1 answer


It’s like that. You just have to make one import:

>>> import base64
>>> encoded = base64.b64encode(b'stack overflow')

b64encode asks for an array of bytes, not a string. The b on the front make this conversion.

  • Why did you use b'stack' instead of just 'stack'? Binary?

  • 1

    Because b64encode asks for an array of bytes, not a string. O b on the front make this conversion.

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