Convert String to Date


Viewed 8,022 times


I’m a beginner in java and I’m having doubts about converting String to Date. I already spent hours searching the internet to see if I could find a solution and I came across very few solutions but when I was going to put these solutions to run, my application always generated error!

 private boolean salvarPessoa(){
        pessoa.setdNascimento(this.txtdNascimento.getText());// <- O erro esta aqui!
  • 4

    I think there’s a hundreds questions like this.

  • What is the format of the date string? And as @bigown said, what else is on Sopt are questions about date formatting, like this, this, etc. Just read the documentation and find out the format you need.

  • Format: day, month and year. I have read more I know almost nothing of the English vocabulary and I can not even read in English.

2 answers


Create a Simpledateformat object by initializing the date format according to how your String is formatted, then just parse the String and play in a Date. See the code:

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class Teste {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
        String data = "16/10/2015";
        try {
            Date date = formatter.parse(data);
        } catch (ParseException e) {


Fri Oct 16 00:00:00 BRT 2015

See the Patterns to pass to the Simpledateformat constructor.


You can pass the variable of type String as parameter to Formatter.parse and get the expected result as in the example :

public void testConversaoDataFormatoYY() throws ParseException {
    String exemplo = "10/16/15";
    DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");  
    Date date = (Date)formatter.parse(exemplo); 
    //Fri Oct 16 00:00:00 BRT 2015

or in the format YYYY :

public void testConversaoDataFormatoYYYY() throws ParseException {
    String exemplo = "10/16/2015";
    DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    Date date = (Date)formatter.parse(exemplo); 
    //Fri Oct 16 00:00:00 BRT 2015

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