Call to Undefined Function transliterator_transliterate() in php 5.512 using wampserver 2.5


Viewed 604 times


I am studying SQLITE3 and PHP and checking an example of the PHP Manual appeared the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function transliterator_transliterate()


I installed PEAR on Wamp but the error keeps appearing.

Intl and sqlit3 extensions are enabled in php.ini

Thank you.

  • This mistake does not nothing with sqllite.

  • Have you checked if those DLL’s are in the ext folder?

  • I looked and are in the ext folder the Dlls came to replace by other versions of PHP but did not work, because PHP gave error.

1 answer


The method transliterator_transliterate() belongs to the class Transliterator, which is part of the lntl. To enable it, open php.ini, search for the line, remove php.ini ; and restart the apache.


For sqllite3 extension, uncomment this line

  • The php_intl and php_sqlite3 extension were already enabled and the error remains.

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