Bootstrap side menu not configured in mobile version


Viewed 953 times


I’m fighting to make a website and present it on my TCC. I separated the sections of the site (body, head, header, footer...) into isolated files to be able to move more easily. I took great care to separate all the right elements in each file. They appear on the site because my page index php. has include_once() of those pages.

The problem starts here: My file menu-side.php It’s getting way out of whack in its mobile version. It contains the Facebook page like buttons, follow Twitter profile, link to Flickr and signup button on Youtube page.

Apparently, the problem is with the Like Facebook button. Whenever the site is in its desktop version, there is no problem, it is all right:

Versão Desktop: ok

Now, in the mobile version, it looks like this (follows photo). The button is bigger than it should and passing the div from the E menu adding huge space to the page body.

Versão mobile: errada

How it should look:

Versão mobile: certa

The other buttons will be replaced by images, however, I want to continue with the Facebook Like button. I want to know if it is possible: 1) fix the problem of space in the mobile version; 2) leave the size of the button responsive.

Follows the code of menu-side.php:

    <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas" id="sidebar">
        <div class="list-group">

            <div class="list-group-item">

            <!-- Facebook -->
            <div class="fb-page jumbo-img" data-href="" data-small-header="true" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-show-posts="false" data-layout="box_count">
                <div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore">
                    <blockquote cite="">
                        <a href="">IBNM - Igreja Batista Novo Mundo</a>


            <div class="list-group-item">

            <!-- Twitter -->
            <a class="twitter-follow-button jumbo-img" data-size="large" data-show-count="false" href="">Siga @ibnovomundo no Twitter</a>


            <div class="list-group-item">

            <!-- YouTube -->
            <div class="g-ytsubscribe list-group-item jumbo-img" data-channel="batistanovomundo2" data-layout="full" data-count="hidden"></div>


            <div class="list-group-item">
            <!-- Flickr -->
            <a href="" title="Veja nossas fotos no Flickr!"><img src="" class="jumbo-img" alt="Veja nossas fotos no Flickr!"></a>


            <div class="list-group-item">
            <!-- App -->


  • 1

    See if you can help

  • Summarizing the @Aloisogomes response, you just need to remove the class col-xs-6 of #sidebar.

  • Just noting that the @Aloisogomes solution is not exactly what you want, but I think you should follow it since displaying a menu next to the content on a mobile is extremely unpleasant.


1 answer


Come on I’ll try to help you....

Bootstrap 3 is strict with the correct use of the classes that determine the size of the grid column, I can clarify doubts about this at another time, but at first it makes a difference to use col-xs-*, col-sm-*, col-md-* and col-lg-*. They will behave differently depending on the screen size of the device. Let’s ask the question!

look at your code

<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas" id="sidebar">

as the default bootstrap columns is 12 and you used .col-xs-6

that means for mobile .col-xs- with the value 6 you are saying that HALF the total width of the page will be reserved for this menu... an unnecessary size so this large distance

normally in mobile this should be displayed below the content as if alone in a line for mobile you get this effect like this

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-3 sidebar-offcanvas">
  <!-- Resto do codigo ... -->

This will make the menu appear below the previous column which should be the content. This is better, because it will look bad if you try to leave side by side hinders the user experience and is aesthetically bad because it generates horizontal scrolling, something that goes against a page that should adapt to a mobile device (Responsiveness).

If this doesn’t work out, it’s probably the html structure you’ve developed, the row and column nests contained in your code. I’ll be happy to help and teach you what little I know.


  • Thanks buddy, solved the problem of space ;)

  • For nothing expensive, I love to see here a solution to some problem I have, there comes a time I need to reciprocate. Hug

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