Automappermappingexception: Missing type map Configuration or Unsupported Mapping


Viewed 5,346 times


I’m using the library Automapper to map my Viewmodels.

I own my class Dbdominio:

public class DBDominio

        public long id { get; set; }

        public string idUsu { get; set; }

        [StringLength (200)]
        public string url { get; set; }

        [StringLength (100)]
        public string idC { get; set; } 

        public string idS { get; set; } 

And my viewModel Vmdominiodetails:

public class VMDominioDetails
        public long id { get; set; }

        public string idUsu { get; set; }

        public string url { get; set; }

        public string idC { get; set; } 

        public string idS { get; set; } 

In my Global.asax I added the call Automapperwebconfiguration.Configure();

My configuration class is this way:


public static class AutoMapperWebConfiguration

        public static void Configure()
            Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
                cfg.AddProfile(new DominioProfile());



And my class Dominioprofile:

public class DominioProfile : Profile
        protected override void Configure()

            Mapper.CreateMap<DBDominio, VMDominioDetails>();


When trying to "map", I get the following error:

Missing type map Configuration or Unsupported Mapping.

Mapping types: Dbdomain -> Vmdominiodetails PROJECT.Models.Dbmodels.Dbdomain -> PROJETO.Models.Viewmodels.Vmdominiodetails

Destination path: Vmdominiodetails

Source value: PROJETO.Models.Dbmodels.Dbdominio

Description: An untreated exception occurred during the execution of current web request. Examine stack tracking to get more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Automapper.Automappermappingexception: Missing type map Configuration or Unsupported Mapping.

Mapping types: Dbdomain -> Vmdominiodetails PROJECT.Models.Dbmodels.Dbdomain -> PROJETO.Models.Viewmodels.Vmdominiodetails

Destination path: Vmdominiodetails

Source value: PROJETO.Models.Dbmodels.Dbdominio

The error happens on this line, where dBDominio is an object of the type DBDominio

VMDominioDetails d = new VMDominioDetails();
d = _map.Map<VMDominioDetails>(dBDominio);

I have tried using a reverse reference in the configuration to see if it would solve, so: Mapper.CreateMap<DBDominio, VMDominioDetails>().ReverseMap() , but did not resolve.

2 answers


Ricardo I ended up doing a test and found that in DominioProfile have to call CreateMap thus:

public class DominioProfile : Profile
     protected override void Configure()
         CreateMap<DBDominio, VMDominioDetails>();            

then the CreateMap is a method of Profile, but, also another problem, that way is obsoleto, then you must change to this:

public class AutoMapperWebConfiguration
    public static void Configure()
        Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
            cfg.CreateMap<DBDominio, VMDominioDetails>();



putting right into the AutoMapperWebConfiguration.

In the code of controller done:

VMDominioDetails d = new VMDominioDetails();
d = Mapper.Map<VMDominioDetails>(new DBDominio
       id = 100,
       idC = "idc"

and has been correctly mapped the fields and their respective values.

Just to end on Global.asax, made the call AutoMapperWebConfiguration.Configure();:

public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start()


Try to replace the line:

d = _map.Map<VMDominioDetails>(dBDominio);



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