Error creating Class on Eclipse Android


Viewed 221 times


When I will create a new project on Eclipse Android it shows the following errors:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Detail: Just downloaded the apis 4.0 and 4.2 and lower + extras and build tools.

  • 1

    It would be interesting to switch to android studio since google is no longer supporting Eclipse adt

  • I thought about it too but Android Studio is very slow and hangs a lot... but I’ve solved the problem. My error was that I was not importing the appcompat_v7 library. Then I went into properties and set my project with target as Android 6.0 which is the same as Appcompat_v7.

1 answer


I recommend you download the most current version of Android SDK which at this time is 6.0.

On Androidmanifest.xml put the following:


If you don’t want to drop to 6.0, put targetSdkVersion="17" for version 4.2.2 or targetSdkVersion="19" for version 4.4.2 but you need to delete the folder \res\values-21 to get rid of mistakes.

If you are starting to program for Android use Android Studio, Eclipse ADT is no longer supported by Google.

  • Thank you brother!

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