Reversing Order column data.frame


Viewed 1,624 times


I have this data frame:

> head(df1)
         data    spread
1 2006-01-01   -3.0404577
2 2006-02-01   -3.3902628
3 2006-03-01   -2.5283960
4 2006-04-01   -1.5279234
5 2006-05-01   -0.0897918
6 2006-06-01    1.0286549
> tail(df1)
         data    spread
112 2015-04-01   -0.2923391
113 2015-05-01   -0.8202538
114 2015-06-01   -1.0975489
115 2015-07-01   -1.1600462
116 2015-08-01   -0.4637534
117 2015-09-01    1.2141885

I want to reverse column and data order:

I made that command:


It scrambles and leaves disorganized:

> head(df1)
      data          spread
114 jun2015 -1.09754890
110 fev2015  0.06755755
106 out2014  0.87560496
116 ago2015 -0.46375344
117 set2015  1.21418847
111 mar2015  0.32772727
> tail(MatrizVerticeSpreadMensala)
      data          spread
9 set2006  0.0742353
3 mar2006 -2.5283960
4 abr2006 -1.5279234
5 mai2006 -0.0897918
7 jul2006  0.5451561
1 jan2006 -3.0404577

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

2 answers


Recreating your database

df<- read.table(text="data    spread
1 2006-01-01   -3.0404577
2 2006-02-01   -3.3902628
3 2006-03-01   -2.5283960
4 2006-04-01   -1.5279234
5 2006-05-01   -0.0897918
6 2006-06-01    1.0286549
112 2015-04-01   -0.2923391
113 2015-05-01   -0.8202538
114 2015-06-01   -1.0975489
115 2015-07-01   -1.1600462
116 2015-08-01   -0.4637534
117 2015-09-01    1.2141885")

Using the command rev() to do what is desired (reverse column and data order).


        spread       data
117  1.2141885 2015-09-01
116 -0.4637534 2015-08-01
115 -1.1600462 2015-07-01
114 -1.0975489 2015-06-01
113 -0.8202538 2015-05-01
112 -0.2923391 2015-04-01
6    1.0286549 2006-06-01
5   -0.0897918 2006-05-01
4   -1.5279234 2006-04-01
3   -2.5283960 2006-03-01
2   -3.3902628 2006-02-01
1   -3.0404577 2006-01-01


Hypothetically, I recreated your data using the packets lubridate and dylyr.

library (lubridate)
dados<-data.frame(data=seq(ymd('2006/01/01'),ymd('2015/09/01'),by='1 month'),spread=rnorm(117))

To reverse, in this case simply by reordering the dates, I applied the following expression:

library (dplyr)                  
dados_ordenados<-dados %>% arrange(desc(data))


  • %>% is a pipe operator that simplifies the expression f(x);
  • arrange is a sort function and;
  • desc organizes in descending order.

And to reposition your columns:

posicao_dados<- dados_ordenados  %>%  select(spread, everything())  


  • Everything() is everything else.
  • 1

    The answer is not necessarily correct: 1. AP asked to invert the column, not sort differently. It really seems to have the same result, but it was not the question, for a person looking only how to reverse the order would be wrong. 2. He also asked to invert the columns, in this case only the order of the rows has been modified.

  • Understood, as soon as I can I will correct the reply. Thank you!

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