How to mount PDO query with items previously concatenated


Viewed 198 times


The doubt is the following, in mysql we can concatenate a query and then perform the search, as follows:

$cidades = '&& (cidade = 100 || cidade = 101 || cidade = 102)';
$order = 'id ASC';

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE status = 1 '.$cidades.' ORDER BY '.$order;

the variable $cidade can be empty or have n elements for search, I can not do so, I do not know also if it would be that way:

$sql = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE status = 1 :cidades ORDER BY :order');

$sql->execute(array(':cidades' => $cidades, ':order' => $order));
  • $cidades is an array or a string?

  • $cidades is a string

2 answers


What you can do is put all the city ids in an array if you have any id, implode, or leave the variable blank.


we have city ids: 26,50 and 20.

$cidades =($arrayCidade != '' && count($arrayCidade) > 0) ? "AND (id='". implode("' OR id='", $arrayCidade) . "')" : '';

Only use the $cities variable inside the PDO. Make sure you are only entering numbers inside the array, so you do not have Sqlinjection.


To be able to perform this dynamic query will, need some adjustment, the first is to transform $cidades in an array and play in a clasula IN(), trade in execute() for bindValue() to make order by work, bind cannot be done with column name.

$in = "";

$posicao = 2;
    $cidades = array(100, 101, 102);
    $totalInterrogacoes = count($cidades);
    $interrogacoes = str_repeat('?,', $totalInterrogacoes);
    $interrogacoes = substr($interrogacoes, 0, -1);
    $in = " AND cidades IN($interrogacoes) ";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE status = ? "
$stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(1, 1);

    $stmt->bindValue($posicao, implode($cidades));
    $sql .= $in ." ORDER BY ?";

$stmt->bindValue($posicao, 1, PDO::PARAM_INT);

  • Use what? @Marcosregis

  • A simpler way is to use $in = " AND cidades IN(" . implode(',', $cidades) . ") "; instead of count + repeat + substr and later checks for the bind since they are integers.

  • @Marcosregis $cidades = array(100, 101, 102);echo implode("?,", $cidades); prints 100?,101?,102 the right would be to display only the questions. It is possible to do with array_fill() but it doesn’t look so good either. $cidades = array(100, 101, 102); echo implode(",", array_fill(0, count($cidades), '?'));

  • It was a lack of intimacy with the keyboard :D, but I corrected the comment.

  • 1

    I made some modifications from the given example, working here! thanks.

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