Error while listing Data via Json


Viewed 1,603 times


I’m wearing a method to return an object of the type JSON but is not listing the information:

Man Controller

   public ActionResult GetDados()
        int codigoVenda = 2;

            SistemaDBEntities db = new SistemaDBEntities();

                List<ItensVenda> itensVenda = new List<ItensVenda>();
                itensVenda = db.ItensVenda.Where(s => s.CodigoVenda == codigoVenda).ToList();

                //var venda = db.Venda.Where(s => s.Codigo == codigoVenda).ToList();

                return Json(itensVenda, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        catch (Exception)


Man Script

 $(document).ready(function () {

        type: "GET",
        url: "/Venda/GetDados",
        success: function (itensVenda) {

            if (dados != null) {


                $(itensVenda).each(function (i) {

                    var tbody = $('#tbody');
                    var tr = "<tr>";
                    tr += "<td>" + itensVenda[i].CodigoProduto;
                    tr += "<td>" + itensVenda[i].Quantidade;
                    tr += "<td>" + itensVenda[i].PrecoUnitario;

                    tr += "<td>" + "<button class='btn btn-info' onclick=Editar(" + itensVenda[i].Id + ")>" + "Editar";
                    tr += "<td>" + "<button class='btn btn-danger' onclick=Deletar(" + itensVenda[i].Id + ")>" + "Deletar";



I’m pretty sure he doesn’t list because of that mistake: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Someone knows what’s wrong?

  • I believe that this is not the best approach to what search, I would use partialView to fill the table. But, try to access the url localhost:63729/sale/Getdados and post the error that is appearing

  • This error appears: A circular reference was detected when serializing an object of type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.Venda_9f946f25ade24f28cdca309e65a9e7ece50af4c1b01232ed376a7b4dcf436e82'.

  • 1

    Take a look in this answer, that you can solve your problem. And edit your question and add the error in it, it is easier to understand your real problem.

  • Actually there is a bit of difference one is Webforms the other is Aspnet MVC and besides db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; (Entityframework configuration, which is recommended to take) avoids giving the error and solves the problem without having to make another class and configuration. Of course the proposed response is also a solution, but at another time in another case I believe it would be legal to have the solutions for both! I don’t think DUPLICATE!

1 answer


The Proxycreationenabled is enabled, put a line so it will work:

db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

Total example:

public ActionResult GetDados()
    int codigoVenda = 2;

        SistemaDBEntities db = new SistemaDBEntities();     

        db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

        List<ItensVenda> itensVenda = db.ItensVenda.Where(s => s.CodigoVenda == codigoVenda).ToList();      

        return Json(itensVenda, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    catch (Exception)


Even I’d put that one on:

db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

To not load relationship data (Good practice) and if you need some relationship use Include.

Observing: really the tip proposed by the OP in the comments is the best work with PartialView.

  • 1

    Congratulations @Cezar, thanks, now it worked... Thank you very much!

  • after using the Configuration you need to return it to normal for the other controllers? or this config is only in the inserted action?

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