View different HTML in Web App


Viewed 68 times


I have a responsive site, but I need it to be displayed differently within a webapp iframe (no navigation menu, no footer, for example). How do I load a different css, or hide elements, if the content is loaded within the application/iframe? (remembering that the responsive version in the browser will continue the way it is).

Thank you.

  • Are you using any framework?

  • 1

    I don’t quite understand it. Your site is already responsive to mobile devices, and you want it to load another css when accessed by them? I could explain it better?

  • That’s right. Stuff from my boss. He wants, even with the site being responsive, to be developed an application (which loads the same site/ address, but without some elements, such as the header and footer...) - I was able to load another CSS detecting if the page opens in a frame, but it didn’t work. I need there to be a way to detect if the site is being accessed by the browser or by an application.

  • Just to give feedback on how I solved: Media query would not work as it would also change the view outside the application. .

1 answer


I believe the resource media query can help you.

The code below informs that the elements with the class .only-webapp will have display:none while the width is below 400px.

@media(max-width: 400px){
        display: none;

Code no js Fiddle.

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