Send Javascript Array to Controller via POST


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I’m trying to send a Array of int of JavaScript to the Controller via POST.
See my array:


Array [ 1, 2 ]

I’m trying to send it this way:

$.post('@Url.Action("MinhaAction", "MeuController")', { MeuParametro : itens })

Meucontroller is like this:

public ActionResult MinhaAction(int[] MeuParametro)

But when debugging, I have received null in my controller, because instead of sending:

MeuParametro : [1,2]

Javascript has been sending:

MeuParametro[] : "1"
MeuParametro[] : "2"

I tried to use JSON.parse():

 $.post('@Url.Action("MinhaAction", "MeuController")', { MeuParametro : JSON.parse(itens) })

And it has worked only when I have only one item in my array, but when I have two or more (as is my case), the following error is returned:

Syntaxerror: JSON.parse: Unexpected non-whitespace Character after JSON data at line 1 column 3 of the JSON data jquery-1.8.2.js line 578 > Val:126:71

Could someone help me with this?

3 answers


Good morning, Grande also tries to create a pattern in your items variable, more or less like this,, so when sending to the controller he will identify a json:



It worked by following the hint of these answers:


jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional = true;

The problem is that the settings are global. If you want something different in another post, this will cause problems.
So I could use it normally:

$.post('@Url.Action("MinhaAction", "MeuController")', { MeuParametro : itens })


You can do it this way :

var countryArray = [1,2,3,4];

        type: "POST",
        url: "../Home/SaveTable",
        contentType: 'application/json',
        data: JSON.stringify({ MeuParametro : countryArray}),

I mean, instead of doing JSON.parse(array) you will have to do JSON.stringify({ MeuParametro : countryArray}

Difference between JSON.parse and JSON.stringify

According to Ben Smith’s 'Basic Json' Book "there is a stringify method that generates JASON serialized from a given.". Soon after informs that there is a method that is the opposite of stringify "This method is known as parse'. In a nutshell, JSON.parce converts serialized JSON to Javascript values"

Book link

Important links :

  • Well friend, thank you very much for the answer, but the question is that I would like to use the method $.post instead of $.ajax.

  • In fact the $.post method is derived from $.ajax. but with some simplifications. I will check the possibility of using the $.post and post a new answer.

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