How to put project in Bitbucket?


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I am trying to put my project in the teacher’s repository and I will end up getting no grade for failing, and I did the following procedures;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

he was doing well, but when he got to the last command he made a mistake as you can see;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • the repository has already been created? it is empty or already has content?

1 answer


Let’s assume you’re working with a previously created GIT repository that already contains some files.

Step 1 - Synchronizing the repository

Choose any folder from your system and type:


This address can be obtained in the upper right corner of the bitbucket, as shown below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Step 2 - Checking the differences

With the synchronized repository, you can edit/create the files needed to execute your demand. When you want to check the status of your local repository against the remote repository, use the following command:

git status

Step 3 - Adding new files

If you have added some new file to the repository, you need to add it to the list of GIT-managed files. This can be done using the following command:

git add .

Step 4 - Commit

After adding all the files, it’s time to perform the commit. For this, use the command:

git commit -am "mensagem explicando o que foi feito"

Step 5 - Executing additional changes

Are there new demands to be made? Just keep working normally. When finished just run steps 2 to 4 again. After the completion of all the demands, it is time to send the changes made to the remote repository. To do this, continue to step 6.

Step 6 - Sending the changes to the remote repository

If you’ve finished the job, it’s time to do the push. To do this just use the command:

git push
  • In the last command, only the master remote as upstream. Just run git push -u origin master the first time and git push the following times.

  • @Rodrigorigotti if you clone an existing repository, you don’t need to run git push -u origin master the first time. It will already be your default upstream.

  • I did an update on the post, in short when I went to put the last command to effect the commit gave error, I typed this git push -u origin master, help me there please

  • he asked for a password, when I put that it fails, I am putting the right password of my repository, but what I want to do is put my project in the teacher repository.

  • @wladyband if you follow step by step (and have access to the teacher’s repository), it will work perfectly.

  • sorry Romulo, but you saw the update of my post? based on the last figure I put what should be happening? I need your understanding, please.

  • I don’t have access to the professor’s repository, I want to put my project in his repository without me needing his password, you understand me?

  • @wladyband you don’t need his password to gain access to the repository. Just add your user to their repository with write permission. The password you will use is your own.

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