Can I use common HTML fields and buttons with JSF?


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I’m doing a project with JSF and I’m also using common HTML fields and buttons in some forms.

Excerpt from my (X)HTML

<div class="clearfix">
 <input class="small DDD" type="tel" placeholder="DDD"
	maxlength="2" name="DDD" id="DDDFb"
	onkeypress="return onlyNumbersValue(event);" /> 
  <input class="medium telefoneFb" type="tel" maxlength="9"
	placeholder="Digite seu Telefone" name="fone" id="phoneFb"
	onkeypress="return onlyNumbersValue(event);"></input> 
  <input type="hidden" id="fb_phoneId" name="phoneId" />
<input type="submit" value="Cadastrar" id="cadastrarTel" />

I want to know how to take the value that the user typed and send to my Setcampo in JSF without using the <h:inputText value="#{meuBean.contato.ddd}"> and <h:commandButton action="#{meuBean.cadastrar}" value="Cadastrar">.

  • Why don’t you use JSF yourself? It’s because of the appearance?

  • Yes, because of the appearance and because I had difficulty taking Javascript data and passing to JSF fields. with pure HTML works without difficulties.

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