How to shift the focus from one Textbox to the next?


Viewed 2,151 times


I’m trying to shift the focus of the field after the user writes 2 digits. Validation is ok, but I haven’t found a method to change focus.

NOTE: It is a dynamic method used for various fields, so I can’t specify in hand which control I want the focus.

Follow my attempt:

private void txt_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var campo = (TextBox) sender;

        if(campo.Text.Length == 2)
            var campoSeguinte = Controls.Find("txtP1N19", true); 
            // Não achei um "seletor" para encontrar o proximo item pelo TabIndex ai 
            // busquei pelo nome para testar.

            Controls[0].Text = "11"; // Com o campo encontrado tentei interagir

            // Mas dessa forma o campo encontrado não ficou com o valor 11 e nem com foco. 
            // Não aconteceu nada apesar de debugando eu vir que passou por todo o trecho

    catch (Exception ex)

2 answers


Use the method SelectNextControl() of the container containing the set of controls in question.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Control p;
    p = ((Button) sender).Parent;
    p.SelectNextControl(ActiveControl, true, true, true, true);

Source: MSDN

  • Is that (Button) Sender correct? I don’t understand the use of it!

  • 1

    I switched to (Textbox) and it worked. Thank you very much!!!!

  • 1

    @Joaopaulo this example was taken from the article in MSDN. The standard signature of the method _Click() automatically implements the object sender - you can then switch to the value you need.

  • 1

    @Joaopaulo I’m happy to read this, it’s a pleasure to help. =)



private void textBox1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (textBox1.Text.Length == 2)

Reference: Control.Keyup Event

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