Register product for logged in user


Viewed 208 times


I’m getting the object through Activity's using putExtra and returning on the other screen with the getSerializableExtra.

I’ve already created the fk id_usuario in the product table for the field id_user of the user table.

My question now is:

How do I insert my product into the products table linked with the user id of the user table? How am I going to insert this product? Where do I pass the ID of the user I picked up in Activity to be inserted in it? Use in contentValues? In the insert repository method? If you have an example it would help a lot!

public ContentValues contentValues(Reporte reporte) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put("id_user", reporte.getIdUsuario());
    values.put("tipo", reporte.getTipoReporte());
    values.put("descricao", reporte.getDescricaoReporte());
    values.put("status", reporte.getStatusReporte());
    values.put("data", reporte.getDataAbertura());
    values.put("hora", reporte.getHoraAbertura());
    values.put("latitude", reporte.getLatitude());
    values.put("longitude", reporte.getLongitude());
    values.put("endereco", reporte.getEndereco());
    return values;

public long insertReporte(Reporte novoReporte) {
    long id = 0;
    try {
        ContentValues values = contentValues(novoReporte);
        id = db.insert("reportes", null, values);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Erro: ", e.getMessage());
    return id;

1 answer


Good morning. In this case you inform the Product object which user id.


  public ContentValues contentValues(Produto produto) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put("id_produto", reporte.getIdProduto());
    values.put("nome", produto.getNome());
    values.put("descricao", produto.getDescricao());
    values.put("valor", produto.getValor());

    values.put("id_usuario", produto.getUsuario()); // Aki

    return values;

It would be interesting to present your Entities, to know how this relationship.

Another tip is to use the framework Ormlite, very cool and helps a lot with this.

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