How to return the Timezone timestamp set?


Viewed 132 times


I’m trying to return the timestamp of my city.

When I use the instruction ('Y-m-d H:i:s') it returns the right time of my region but I need to return the timestamp of that hour and it seems that with the instruction ('U') I only get the server time and not the timestamp of the hour of my region.

function agora (){
    $dftz011 = date_default_timezone_get();
    $dtms011 = new DateTime();
    return $dtms011->format('U'); 

I’m using this tool to convert the timestamp returned and when I do the conversion always return me the time of the server and not the Timezone of my region.

How to return the timestamp of my region?

  • Even echo $dtms011->format('H:i:s'); does not return the right time?

  • This returns the right time. With ('U') does not return.

  • 1

    you want a timestamp with Timezone this?

  • Exactly @rray

  • What is the purpose, I found interesting.

  • Variable names are funny

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1 answer


To get the timestamp converted with Timezone, add timestamp with offset (difference in greenwitch realation in seconds). Use methods getTimestamp() and getOffset() of the Datetime class.

$data = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone("America/Sao_Paulo"));
echo 'TimeStamp: '. ($data->getTimestamp() + $data->getOffset());

Output: 1444269422, corresponds to: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 01:57:02 GMT

Example - 3v4l

Example with funny message - ideone



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