Get id of the marked ckeck box


Viewed 1,434 times


I need you to get the id of the check box marked. I’m assembling the dynamically check the following way:

<li class="item item-checkbox widget uib_w_69" data-uib="ionic/checkbox" data-
     <label class="checkbox">
        <input id="codigoPessoaPresente" value="'+pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO+'" type="hidden">
        <input type="checkbox" checked>
     </label>'+ pessoa.TXT_NOMEX_PESSO +'

How can I do this ?

  • See this code using jquery. How it works is very simple.

2 answers


function cbx1(){
    var arr = []; /* Cria array com todos os names dos check selecionados */
    var itens = document.querySelectorAll('.check:checked'); /* Busca todos os elementos com o class .checked e que possuam um atributo checked. Nesse caso somente radio e checkbox possuem tal atributo */
    for(var i in itens)
       arr.push(itens[i].name); /* Inclui name do elemento em um array*/

    return arr /* Retorna esse array */;

function cbx2(){
    var arr = [];/* Cria array com todos os names dos check selecionados */
    $('.check:checked').each(function(item){ /* Busca todos os elementos com o class .checked e que possuam um atributo checked. Nesse caso somente radio e checkbox possuem tal atributo */
        arr.push($(this).attr("name"));/* Inclui name do elemento em um array*/
    return arr /* Retorna esse array */;

function cbx3(){
    var arr = []/* Cria array com todos os names dos check selecionados */;
    var inputElements = document.getElementsByClassName('check') /* Busca todos os elementos com o class check */;
    for(var i=0; inputElements[i]; ++i){
        if(inputElements[i].checked) /* Verifique se o elemento em questão está com o atributo checked marcado */
        arr.push(inputElements[i].name) /* Inclui name do elemento em um array*/;
    return arr/* Retorna esse array */;
<input class='check' type='checkbox' name='check1' />
<input class='check' type='checkbox' name='check2' />
<input class='check' type='checkbox' name='check3' />
<input class='check' type='checkbox' name='check4' />
<input class='check' type='checkbox' name='check5' />
<button onclick='cbx1()'>Pegar cbx1</button>
<button onclick='cbx2()'>Pegar cbx2</button>
<button onclick='cbx3()'>Pegar cbx3</button>


 <input type="checkbox" checked class="messageCheckbox">

Newer browsers:

function cbx1(){
    var arr = [];
    var itens = document.querySelectorAll('.check:checked');
    for(var i in itens)

    return arr;

Using jQuery:

function cbx2(){
    var arr = [];
    return arr;

Pure Javascript without jQuery:

function cbx3(){
    var arr = [];
    var inputElements = document.getElementsByClassName('check');
    for(var i=0; inputElements[i]; ++i){
    return arr;
  • This way he’ll get all the checks ?

  • I would like to explain the code

  • If you are going to be able to have more than one checkbox checked you will need to use several Ames. One for each checkbox marked. If that is so, say you have changed my example. In this case that I passed would be to pick a value from a single checkbox

  • Yes, because every check is for a person, that’s a presence system.

  • Okay, I’ll edit it and put it on

  • @Renanrodrigues see now

  • can explain the code ?

  • Yes, but now I’m curled up, later put auqi OK?

  • Okay, I’ll be waiting

  • Although this answer is solving the user problem, the lack of explanation of it is ... bad.

  • @Renanrodrigues take a look at the code I edited

  • Thank you very much for your assistance.

  • I had some setbacks in my work yesterday and so I could not post before. Hugs!

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function getIdCheckBoxByLi(_this){
    var id = null;
        id = jQuery(_this).parents('li:eq(0)').find('input[type="hidden"]').attr('id');
    return id;

jQuery('input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function(e){
    var id;
    if(id = getIdCheckBoxByLi(this)){

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