Subversion - SVN - How to mark a file as an overwrite


Viewed 153 times


Gentlemen, I have the following situation.

I have a development environment. I run a script that versions the fonts in my repository through the contrab of linux. It’s a fully console interface and I can’t use internet or download any other package, just the same SVN client.

The problem I have:

Through the development tool the user can execute/modify/create files/directory that the script takes care of it alone. The problem is when it deletes a file/directory and creates one in the same place with the same name. Ai gets SVN Code from Til/Tilde(~). This is because the . svn files are deleted at the moment which prevents me from committing. I was wondering if you have a way to solve my problem. Thank you guys

1 answer


From what I’ve read, ~ it means one object of one type has been replaced by another of another type. For example, a file called abcd was replaced by a directory called abcd. To fix the problem the best thing to do is rename the problem object, remove the abcd object from the svn with svn remove, commit to remove the object, rename the new object back to abcd, give svn add to the object, and commit again. Then you will have a sequence of commits, one in which the object existed, another to remove the object and the last to add the object to the SVN again.

  • So, yes it is. However, it is not necessary to be of different types, just be directory. This solves part of a project, type project/directory/file_director_superscript. But there are cases where the user removes the directory from the entire project and then applies over it, over writing the existing one. I even made a way to delete what is in svn and make a new import and a new checkout, but with that I lose the versioning history. Anyway, thanks for the help; I’ll try to implode this way

  • @Rorschach, I don’t understand why someone would remove the entire project directory and apply it over, that’s not good versioning practice. Why do you need to proceed in this way?

  • So the user of the tool has no notion of versioning. The tool who should do this, however, the tool performs poorly, primarily working with several projects and various users. Sometimes the user takes a backup of the project and wants to get back that backup. Ai gives this error. I wanted a way to make a "replace" in the same way as Tortoisesvn

  • The problem is not the tool, but the lack of knowledge of how to use it in the right way then. The best thing would be for everyone on the team to know how to use a versioning tool so that the repository keeps all the history at all times. I suggest you train the developers on the subject, as no tool can perform miracles by being misused. SVN usage as well as a large part of open source projects also uses it, and I have no problem with it.

  • Furthermore, Tortoisesvn is nothing more than a user interface to the SVN client, so it has nothing different and more features in terms of commands compared to the command line client

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