Pull without using Git Bash


Viewed 79 times


I’m having trouble trying to do pull directly from Git Bash, I was wondering if you had another way of doing it, like the Git GUI for example.

1 answer


The Git GUI does not have the command pull, however a git pull is nothing more than a git fetch followed by a git merge.

You need to go on Remote Menu > Receive from > Remote System to do the fecth and then go on Merge Menu > Merge locally to do the merge.

Here has a question on Soen talking about it.

If you are using the Github or the Bitbucket, there is the possibility to use the desktop client of the same (Github Desktop and Atlassian Sourcetree) and do the pull there.

  • And how would I do that? Through the desktop?

  • In the Git GUI.

  • I helped her, but I reinstalled the Git and the pull

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