indefinite index


Viewed 484 times


Good evening, I have a code where I do an Insert into,but this returning me error, and I am unable to solve, in the same field is printed in the database, page and content. The page is registered but the content causes error; and the error is: Notice: Undefined index: content my code:

       $pagina_editar = $_POST['pagina'];
       $content_editar = $_POST['content'];
       if(isset($_POST['cadastrar']) && $_POST['cadastrar'] == 'envia_form'){
$cadatrar_pagina = mysqli_query($conexao,"INSERT INTO lp_page (pagina, content) VALUES ('$pagina_editar', '$content_editar')")or die(mysqli_error($conexao));

       if(isset($_POST['editar_post']) && $_POST['editar_post'] == 'envia_form'){
$atualiza_pagina = mysqli_query($conexao,"UPDATE lp_page SET content='$content_editar' WHERE pagina = '$pagina_editar'") or die (mysqli_error($conexao));

      $pagina_de_edicao = $_POST['pagina'];

        $pega_pagina = mysqli_query($conexao,"SELECT id, pagina, content FROM lp_page WHERE pagina = '$pagina_de_edicao'")or die(mysqli_error($conexao));
           if(@mysqli_num_rows($pega_pagina) <= '0'){

     <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="cadastrar_pagina">
     <input type="hidden" name="pagina" value="<?php echo $pagina_de_edicao;?>" />
     <textarea name="content" rows="30" cols=""></textarea>
     <input type="hidden" name="cadastrar" value="envia_form" />
     <input type="submit" value="Cadastrar" name="Cadastrar" class="cadastro_btn" />


        while($res_pagina = mysqli_fetch_array($pega_pagina)){
            $id = $res_pagina[0];
              $pagina = $res_pagina[1];
                $content = $res_pagina[2];  
      <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="edita_pagina">
       <input type="hidden" name="pagina" value="<?php echo $pagina_de_edicao;?>"/>
      <textarea name="content" cols="" rows="30"> <?php echo $content; ?></textarea>
      <input type="hidden" name="editar_post" value="envia_form" />
      <input name="Editar" type="submit" value="Editar" class="cadastro_btn" />

the error is happening on the line: $content_edit = $_POST['content']; can anyone help me? Thanks

  • Why does the form have multiplart/form-data ? The <form ...> and </form> must be outside the looping. Try these changes, and if possible also add the code PHP.


  • this other one also:

1 answer


First, "Notice" is not a mistake.

php is only notifying you that the element of the $_POST array, whose index is 'content', has not been defined.

It’s easy to see why: See that you set the variable '$content_edit' before check if there is a POST request, that is, if there is an $_POST array.

Workaround: Set the variables after checking for the POST type request.

 isset($_POST['cadastrar']) && 
 $_POST['cadastrar'] == 'envia_form')
  $pagina_editar = $_POST['pagina'];
  $content_editar = $_POST['content'];
  $cadatrar_pagina = mysqli_query($conexao,"INSERT INTO lp_page (pagina, content) VALUES ('$pagina_editar', '$content_editar')")or die(mysqli_error($conexao));
  • I think you forgot to treat the other two variables $_POST['pagina'] and $_POST['content']. But this is of less.. what is worth correcting the logic error of AP.

  • Thank you very much dear Marcos Kubis, thanks. I have had many difficulties in php, because I am beginner. the good thing is that we find people who are dedicated to helping. May Christ continue to bless you.Thank you..

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