Using Animate() jquery to animate the place change in a puzzle


Viewed 536 times


This example above is not yet fully functional, the logic of the puzzle is:

1 - Click on at least two Ivs (or 2 pieces of the puzzle) and so both Ivs would have to switch places using animation.

2 - For this to occur, I collected with the offset of jquery, the top and left position, both of the first and second piece of the puzzle clicked.

3 - But when using the Animate() (to make the animation of the swap of parts) nothing is happening, they remain in the same place.

What can be done in this case?


  • Dude, we missed the cont++ on top of your first if. It is not adding counter in variable, so it never enters us ifs.

  • And it won’t work with position: relative.

  • It’s true I forgot to transcribe that part, but I’ve updated, but the animation isn’t going to the right place yet. Thank you for verifying the error.

  • You’re not going because you’re with position: relative. See, as I did in absolute., but all the layout goes.

  • I noticed, it’s getting in total clutter in the container. What do you think can be done there ?

2 answers


For your code to work, yours .pecas have to be positioned in absolute from the beginning, otherwise when you change the position of the relative for absolute he ... does strange things, as you see.

var top = 10, left = 0;
var piecesPerLine = 4;

$('.pecas').each(function(key, ele) {
    key += 1;
    $('.parte-'+key).css({left:left,top: top});
    left += 156;
    if (piecesPerLine === 0) {
        left = 0;
        top += 80;
        piecesPerLine = 4;

If you add this to the beginning of your script, the script that has worked. Basically, what this function is doing is absolutely positioning the elements by lines. Note that I changed the css of the .pecas to be position: absolute at first.

  • Thanks for the tip and instruction Moshmage.


I think it’s best to think like objects. Example a puzzle needs to have a base and pieces.

Following the logic we need to make the basis (position:relative) and the parts (position:Bsolute).

So I created the block css class with position relative and z-index 2 so that when the client clicks it is selecting the base and not the part.

The class piece passed to position Absolute and z-index 1 to reinforce that lies below the base.

With this change, there was a need to place the pieces on the board. The start function has been created.

The alloy function was created to mark the part to the base number.

The gait function has been created to move the piece with the desired effect.


  • James very grateful for the placement of points and examples, I will try to understand the algorithm and I’ll ask you again if I can not understand any point. Thank you.

  • @user31050 Were you able to verify the code? Need more description? The question is still open.

  • Yes it’s ok the answer, I’m new around here, how can I close the question? Thanks

  • The explanation reply

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