Leave fixed elements on a static page


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How to fix a button or text? For example, in a background already with the background drawn, in case it would just fix the text in a specific part of the background and when resizing the browser it accompanied with the background?

3 answers


The search css tag is position Fixed.


    <title>texto fixo</title>
            position        :   fixed;
            width           :   250px;
            height          :   100px;
            left            :   50%;
            margin-left     :   -125px;
            top             :   50%;
            margin-top      :   -50px;
            background-color:   black;
            color           :   white;
<div class="fixo">
    Este texto tem:<br>
    width de 250px<br>
    height de 100px<br>
    ficará sempre no meio
<div style="height:1000000px"></div><!-- div para criar scroll -->


I don’t know if this helps much, but if you make a website using bootstrap this site gets formatted for devices like smartphones and tablets and automatically adjusts all page elements when the page is redeemed. In the background bootstrap uses a standard css that helps you make a website faster.

If you really want to read more about bootstrap go to the following links http://getbootstrap.com/ http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/

Of course you can do the same without directly using bootstrap. All this is done in css mainly.

  • Yes, I’ve heard of Amadeu, I use it, too, this doubt has arisen just now for amazing ! thanks for your time!


You can give a static size to the content you want to center and place automatic margins (left and right), so the browser will be responsible for centralizing this content, see an example:

   <style type="text/css">
   <div class="content-center">
       <h1>Ficar No centro</h1>
       <p>Este texto irá ficar no centro da página</p>

Save this code and run it in your browser and see if it satisfies your doubt, hope to have helped!

  • Just pointing out that this will be done in the CSS of the question page!

  • That’s the way it was, thank you very much!

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