Error passing variable as double parameter


Viewed 76 times


I have a function


I have a variable $pesquisa which is receiving the following amount: '2015-10-05','2015-10-01', with single quotes.

It happens that the way this, when it arrives at the function

  if(isset($_GET["acao"]) && $_GET["acao"] == "listaArr") {

      $pesquisa = (isset($_POST["dataIni"])) ? "'".$PhpUtil->formataData($_POST["dataFim"])."','".$PhpUtil->formataData($_POST["dataIni"])."'" : "'',''";

print "<pre>";                                  
print "</pre>";                                 

      $arrecadacaoDia = $rel->pesquisaPagamentos($pesquisa);

I try to print the value of the first parameter and comes the integer value of the $query variable, ie: '2015-10-05','2015-10-01'. The second parameter of the function receives an empty value.

  • Do separate: $pesquisa_data_inicio = "2015-01-02"; $pesquisa_data_final = "2015-02-02"; searchPayments($pesquisa_data_inicio, $pesquisa_data_final)

  • But in the call you passed the second argument? in the example of the question no.

  • See: if '2015-10-05','2015-10-01'. note that there is a comma in the middle. This is not enough for the variable to populate the 2 parameters when printed?

  • 1

    This is called the function? $rel->pesquisaPagamentos($pesquisa);? You only have one argument, you need two

  • the function asks for 2 arguments, however, the value output of the $query variable emulates a string of type 'valor1', 'valor2' but I ended up doing according to your orientation. It became more legible! Thank you!

2 answers


To receive two or more arguments in function it is necessary to change your signature first.

function pesquisaPagamentos($pesquisa){


function pesquisaPagamentos($datainicio, $datafim){

The call must be made that way

pesquisaPagamentos('2015-09-01', '2015-10-05');
pesquisaPagamentos($data1, $data2);

No use passing a string seperada by comma, the function will understand that this is just an argument.

Invalid call


It is also possible to have two parameters and pass only one value to function, since the second parameter has a default value.

function pesquisaPagamentos($datainicio, $datafim='2015-12-31'){

Calling for:


From php5.6 there is an operator ... that sets multiple parameters for a function it basically does what func_get_args

Example - ideone

Recommended reading:

What is the difference between parameter and argument?

What is the name of the ... operator used in PHP 5.6?

What can change with the variadic Function implementation?

  • Thanks! That’s what I’d like to avoid. But it turned out I had to do it anyway!


Make separate:

$pesquisa_data_inicio = "2015-01-02"; 
$pesquisa_data_final = "2015-02-02"; 
pesquisaPagamentos($pesquisa_data_inicio, $pesquisa_data_final) 

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