Angularjs or JSF which to choose?


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People the development team of the company where I work is deciding which technology to use for a web project that is to come. Some points were analyzed and we were in doubt between these two technologies that is Angular and JSF.

I know that the productivity with Angular is great offers me great resources and a high performance.

However as it is Javascript I was a little insecure with regard to security the protection of my code, even separating and putting the business rules in the part of the backend yes I am not sure about security. I’m just an intern and I don’t have that much knowledge.

With JSF will I have these advantages? Is Technology outdated? I know it depends a lot on the type of application for which I will use will it compensate, will I have more security than with Angular? Are there ways to keep my code safer with Angular? These are the main doubts, I am researching more deeply these points but I would like the opinions of people with more experience.

Thanks in advance.

  • 1

    I think your question fits Mainly based on opinions, after all only you (and your team) know what is best for the project. You who will develop, not us. Maybe you can [Dit] your question and specify it, talk a little bit about the project. Otherwise, I’m almost sure it will be closed.

  • 3

    Look, according to what I read those days ago JSF is falling into disuse being replaced by another way of doing that now I do not remember the name, I would consider taking into consideration the Angularjs. I answer although the question may be mainly based on opinions.

  • 4

    As this goes of opinion, I would use Angularjs. Why? JSF is losing a lot of market, and working with JSF and Web designer is not an easy task because of JSF components. JSF is currently in version 2.2, if I’m not mistaken, and is now about to release MVC 1.0 . Also said, reusing components in JSF is not such an easy job, it’s hard. Not to mention several bugle ajax calls. Anguarjs gives you many possibilities, the community is 1000 with this, not to mention the ease in learning and developing.

  • 2

    I work with JSF, if your project is simple I think you will not have problems, but if you have complex windows I recommend Angularjs, as already said in the previous comments JSF has many limitations.

  • @Giancarlogiulian I suggest you post an answer with this comment - even if not specifically about implementation, it is valid from the point of view of supporting technologies.

  • Our exactly what I wanted to read, I was here looking for about reuse of components in JSF is how you @Paulo Gustavo said is much more complicated, and also for the fact that it is falling into disuse, I am grateful for your help.

  • 1

    @Giancarloabelgiulian I was curious to know where you read that the JSF is falling into disuse, because I can find nothing about it. Did you not read that it was JSP that was getting obsolete in favor of JSF?

  • I read in this book friend:

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