view of eclipse problems


Viewed 53 times



When I copy a program and go into the problem view, the eclipse shows problems and alerts from other projects already copied before. How can I not close the eclipse and just focus on the project I’m working on? The same situation happens when the program enters an infinite loop. I cannot stop the console view. That is, how can I correct this view issue?

  • I think you just close the other projects by right-clicking on them and then "Close" in the popup menu that opens on it. You’ve already done this?

  • On the infinite loop, there is a stop button in the eclipse console tab.

  • @Math doesn’t usually close the projects. I missed trying this.

  • These alerts don’t get to be distracting or distracting when using the IDE, I’ve never had this problem. Another tip is, instead of closing projects, create groups of projects, so you separate the completed ones from the ones you are developing, or how you want to keep them.

  • @Diegofelipe create Working sets is nice to organize projects, however this does not make warnings disappear

  • @Math really, I did the test and it doesn’t even add up. I mistook it for netbeans, because in it each project group is independent. I believe that the best solution is to close the same projects, or create another Workspace.

  • Yeah, I don’t know if splitting up would really solve

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1 answer


For the eclipse to focus only on project views, select the other projects, in the project menu click close. You will not access views from other projects, making it easier to view issues and alerts from your work project.

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