What is ADO.NET for C#?


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I’m starting to learn about C# for web applications, and I wanted to know what ADO.NET is and what are the advantages of using it?

1 answer


You can use any language that is compatible with .NET. C# is the main one.

Has basic information in our tag. And the official page. Wikipedia.

It is the basic database access mechanism used by .NET. It is advantageous in this sense. Not in comparison to anything else. It gives a functionality to the development platform.

He is a framework with the basic infrastructure for communication with the mechanisms that manage the databases. They also have some facilities to abstract this data in the application. But these functions are used less and less and make use of so-called Orms, such as the Entity Framework (Core and officer), Nhibernate or the simplest as the Dapper.

When using a ORM, ADO.NET becomes transparent or unnecessary. But if you want to do everything by hand and in a simpler, more crude way, ADO.NET is more interesting. Not always what is "more modern" is the best solution for everything.

It is also possible to use other mechanisms such as Oledb or ODBC, even if they are linked to ADO.NET. They are considered obsolete or alternative only when the native ADO.NET of each bank cannot be used for some reason.

His basic functions are:

  • open and sustain a connection
  • mount and run darlings
  • iterate on the obtained data

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