Program to manage Mysql database on Windows?


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Can anyone tell me any program to manage database on Windows?

On Mac I use a call Sequel Pro, but it is only for Mac.

Does anyone know anything like?

  • I believe this question is based on opinions, on my opinion.

4 answers


There is a broad list of software that can be used for this purpose, both possible to be installed on the machine and installed on the server enabling the management of your database from any .

Installed in the machine:
Among all I know the ones I recommend are:
- Mysql Workbench Produced and maintained by which is the maintainer of
- Dbvis a universal database manager. Efficiently manage SGBDs more common on the market

Installed on the Server:
the Phpmyadmin is a manager of done in and is quite common to be seen in lodgings and is also easily installed in your environment (if there is, of course).


  • I’m going to see this workbench, I’d like some other than phpmyadmin.

  • 2

    So it goes in Wb that it is very good even and has many features. It is worth testing in addition to being free.

  • 2

    The coolest of the Workbench is the ability to create diagrams visually and then create the actual database from it. By the way, not only create, but you can make a diff each time you change the diagram to update your database.


I use the Workbench and the Navicat.

Navicat makes connections with various types of databases (Mysql, MSSQL, Postgre, Oracle and Sqlite) as well as having several very useful functions, such as transfer between databases and a very good interface. I really recommend.


Has the Mysql Workbeanch developed by Oracle. I believe it is the most used, since Oracle owns Mysql. This has several graphic features. You can, for example, draw the MER and then export it to sql. It is also possible to reverse engineer an sql and generate the MER (and vice versa), in addition to supporting querys.

I also know the Sqlyog which is quite robust and the Phpmyadmin that runs inside the server

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