Problem sending files to bitBucket


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I am sending the commited files to the database, however it is not working, I am doing everything right but is giving the following message.

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v --tags 

origin master:master
fatal: unable to access 'MEU SITE': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Pushing to MEUSITE.GIT

Completado com erros, veja acima.

What may have caused the error ? And how to resolve ?

  • Are you connecting via HTTPS or SSH? I never used Bitbucket with git (only with Microsoft), but I remember that the process of connecting with SSH was more complicated than with HTTPS, involving certificates on the client side. With HTTPS all I had to do was enter my password.

  • No, I know how I can look at it, to send it I use the Sourcetree

  • this site I use to connect. https://[email protected]/meulogin/panel-admin-mc.git/

  • I don’t know Sourcetree, I would have to look at their documentation. By the way, a quick search on Google showed me that this error is usually related to a problem with the certificate server, so forget what I said about customer certificates... I suggest searching Sourcetree options for a way to avoid SSL checking for your specific repository ("dangerous", but it would be a short-term solution).

  • P.S. I found that on Atlassian’s own website, see if it helps...

  • Is the link was not so helpful to me, will it be because I’m with site on wamp www ?

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1 answer


Following what the mgibsonbr indicated, a quick and simple way to turn off the SSL Certificate verification would be by this command git config --global http.sslVerify false, I hope it helps you.

  • Thank you gave it right.

  • Now what are the risks of this command? What happens ?

  • Disabling verification can make your code vulnerable to MIM (Man-in-the-Midle) attacks, is a form of attack in which data exchanged between two parties, for example you and your bank, are intercepted and possibly altered by the attacker without the victims noticing.

  • 1

    I use Bitbucket and Sourcetree like you, here has a tutorial on how you could generate an SSH key, both via console and by Sourcetree itself, and if you want to know more about SSH Keys.

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