Javascript upload image (GIF)?


Viewed 610 times


I am trying to show a loading image on my pages using these functions:


    $(".menuLink").focus(function() {

    $(".menuLink").blur(function() {


    $.blockUI({message: null});

function exportFile(){


But, the image does not appear, IE, the pages are loading correctly without displaying the image, someone knows what would be wrong, or if there are other ways to perform this ?

No error appears in the console, I put it in my main JS loading, a single JS where I centralize all my functions.

There are other ways of doing this in an efficient way ?

I add the following "libraries" as well:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/sign/resources/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/sign/resources/js/jquery.blockUI.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/sign/resources/js/renderAjax.js"></script>

I add this there is a template page, "header", that all pages of my application use:

<ui:composition template="/layout/template.xhtml"

That is, I wanted to do it in a generalized way, in a way that all the pages of my application would inherit this "Wait" function, thus displaying this image.

I want to do this, but not in php, in JSF2:

  • Which error message appears in the browser log? Run the page and click F12 and post the error message here

  • Post the full code so we can test everything.

  • This is the complete code, the only thing there is more to this function is to add the following "libraries" js <script type="text/javascript" src="/Sign/Resources/js/jquery-1.9.1.min. js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/Sign/Resources/js/jquery.blockUI.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/Sign/Resources/js/renderAjax.js"></script>

  • I refer to the complete HTML code, that’s just the function, if you post everything there, da to run here and maybe we get the solution.

1 answer


I finished using some components of Richfaces, I created a new xthml "commandButton.xhtml":

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<ui:composition xmlns=""

        <cc:attribute name="action" targets="cmdBtn" />
        <cc:attribute name="readOnly" />
        <cc:attribute name="disable" />
        <cc:attribute name="immediate" />
        <cc:attribute name="styleClass" default="btn btn-primary span2" />
        <cc:attribute name="style" />
        <cc:attribute name="value" />
        <cc:attribute name="render" default=""/>


        <h:commandButton id="cmdBtn" immediate="#{cc.attrs['immediate']}"
            disabled="#{cc.attrs['disable']}" type="submit"
            readonly="#{cc.attrs['readonly']}" style="#{cc.attrs['style']}"
            styleClass="#{cc.attrs['styleClass']}" value="#{cc.attrs['value']}">
            <a4j:ajax render="#{cc.attrs['render']}" execute="@form" status="waitStatus"/>


I put this in my "template.xhtml", all my application pages import this template:

<a4j:status name="waitStatus"
        onstop="#{rich:component('wait')}.hide();" />
    <rich:popupPanel id="wait" autosized="true" modal="true"
        moveable="false" resizeable="false" zindex="2005">
        <h:graphicImage id="imgWait" library="images" name="wait.gif"
            styleClass="hidelink" />

So I imported it into all my pages:


And I used it that way:

<comp:commandButton styleClass="btn btn-primary span2 offset8" value="Calculate" action="#{myBean.calculate}" />

This worked well for me, the use of Javascript was causing some crashes in my pages.

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