Host ASP.NET Project on IIS on Machine Itself


Viewed 419 times


Gentlemen, good afternoon.

I am developing an application in ASP.NET C#, and would like to host this application in the IIS of my machine.

My machine is a windows 7, with IIS 7. My internet is not fixed IP, would have to configure the router to accept external access.

I would like to know what I must do to be able to host my project on my own machine.

Somebody help me?

1 answer


Not being fixed IP, the way is to use a dynamic DNS service like the NO-IP or Dyn DNS. Most routers already allow you to configure one of these services directly by their internal settings utility. This setting changes from router to router, but usually this just provide your user and password so that the router can inform the dynamic DNS service when there is an IP change.

Also, on your router, you will have to open the door on which your website is running (Port Forwarding). This setting changes from router to router as well, but you will have to tell which is the machine IP and the internal port (on which the IIS is running) and which is the external port (the port that the machines outside your network will use). Another important point is that your router will leave a fixed IP tied to the IIS machine’s MAC Address, in order to prevent DHCP from assigning a different IP to it than that configured in Port Forwarding.

You will also have to open any ports used in Windows Firewall and/or router if any.

  • Marcus, all right? Would you give me a hand so I can set up my computer? I’m not very good when it’s things related to security / infra, like more is to develop even... If you want / you can help me, my skype is: Dimension.ds PS: When I’ve solved this problem, I share it here for everyone!

  • I have no skype access at the moment, when I have available, if you have not already solved, I call you.

  • Brother, I haven’t touched it yet... got me a DNS with the NO-IP, but just this... I have no confidence in touching this part, so I can wait for you?

  • I’ve released the port on the router, released it on the windows firewall, created the on-ip account, released the port on the modem and is still blocked... do I have to release it somewhere else? I’m half lost yet...

  • Does an error happen or just not access?

  • So, I tried to access through a site that tests whether the door is open or not, and he’s always closed... really don’t know what else to do

  • Which port are you using? Some internet providers block certain ports.

  • I’m setting the door 10000 as public and 80 as private

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