Read input value type file doubt


Viewed 989 times


A question, why does it work:


and that’s not?

$("input[type='file']").files[0] // TypeError: $(...).files is undefined

4 answers


With Wallace replied, he returns a jQuery Object. Thus, you are accessing the first ( and probably unique, in your case ) DOM element that returned from the object.

You can access an element as follows:




There is also the function .first(), which will return the first DOM element of the object returned by the selector:


NOTE: The . first() function will create a new jQuery Object with the first element.


As the tip commented by Guilherme Lautert, can also access an index through the selector :eq():

  • 1

    can also be used $("input[type='file']:eq(0)").

  • 2

    Thank you for the reminder! Added to the reply.


When you do that $("input[type='file']")[0], you are accessing the object HTMLInputElement, which is native to javascript.

In this element, there is the property files.


HTMLInputElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty('files'); // true

In the case of $("input[type='file']") you are returning the instance the object of jQuery, who does not own this property.


Basically the same answer from Wallace, though I’ll explain it another way.

The .files is a native property of the Javascript DOM API, so it will only be accessible on when you use document.getElementById and document.querySelector, for example:


When you do it:

$("input[type=file]")[0] //ou .get(0)

You transform (extract) an object to GIFT, like I got caught up with document.querySelector, doing the .files be accessible.

So .files would only be accessible like this $(...).files if this property existed in jQuery.

Note: document.getElementsByName, document.getElementsByTagName and document.querySelectAll returns objects arrays then .files will only be available if you access one of the items in this array.

Is there a way to make this accessible, through the jQuery.fn. jQuery’s, it would be like this:

    "files": function() {
         var el    = this.get(0);
         var files = el ? el.files : false;
         return files ? files : [];

And using it must be something like:


Note that he will return one array with the files selected and only from the first element of the "jQuery object list".


Why Jquery will search for One or + occurrences of input[type='file'] , will soon list the results in a Object by the keys ([0][1][2],etc).

  • 1

    Actually that’s not quite it. If there was an object with captured by jQuery, there would be no property files likewise.

  • 1

    Yes, you did present much more complete. But my explanation still makes sense, however, hyper simplified, right?

  • 1

    No, no. The problem is not the amount of results. The problem is the object being returned. That’s what I wanted to present in my question. One returns object (which is jQuery) and another is returned the HTMLInputElement, which is the input file jQuery independent (it is javascript native). His answer leads to understand that the problem is that jQuery has returned more than one element, and this is not the truth. It could return up to 100. If he used the [0] ahead always return the Htmlinputelement

  • 1

    That’s why I gave the -1, because it doesn’t answer the question

  • 1

    Great! Thank you, I think it’s much clearer now.

  • 1

    Yes, good. I was more concerned with understanding than with this.

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