How to solve the date validation problem - Calendar - Primefaces?


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Loading the date in a Calendar (Primefaces) normally loads:


<p:outputLabel value="Data de Nascimento" for="data-nascimento" />
<p:calendar id="data-nascimento" locale="pt" mask="99/99/9999"
            required="true" navigator="true"
            requiredMessage="Data de Nascimento é obrigatório">

But at the time of validating/persisting the information gives error message saying that the date is not a valid date.

How to resolve this issue?

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  • 2

    I’m afraid the problem is in "Mask", as the attribute itself points out, it’s just a mask. Try using the "Pattern" attribute instead of Mask: pattern="dd/MM/yyyy".

  • 1

    If you are looking for another alternative, I think it would be more feasible to use the Hibernate Validation Bean to make the validations. Following example:

  • Patrick, I traded the Mask for Pattern and it worked thanks.

1 answer


To the locale="pt" work, you need add a javascript on your page because by default it is only in English.

Mask is just a mask, not the formatting itself. However, you can force the Brazilian pattern using the attribute and value pattern="dd/MM/yyyy".

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