Settings of the Go language


Viewed 452 times


I need to do a job in college and I chose to do it in Go language because I wanted to learn a new language. Yesterday I installed . msi of the site and saw that I needed to configure the variables GOPATH, PATH and GOROOT. I set them up this way:

  • GOPATH = C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects (where the folder goprojects I created and it’s where I want all my Go language projects to be)
  • GOROOT = C:\Go\ (folder where the Go language was installed)
  • PATH = C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects\bin

So far so good. However I use Eclipse IDE and searching I saw that it has a plugin called Goclipse that makes Eclipse a Go language IDE, so I installed it by Eclipse’s own Marketplace.

After all this done, I created a new Go project and put the project on the path C:\Users\Gustavo\goprojects, and created a new . go inside a folder that is inside the src folder. When I went to write a Hello World, every time I tried to make him complete the code alone it appears an error then I went to see and saw that I needed to download another plugin to work the self-completing, and this plugin calls gocode which is a project that’s on Github.

And here’s my problem. Where and how do I download this folder and how do I activate it in my Eclipse? Did I set the variables correctly? I need to do something else?

P.S.: Use Windows 8.1, I have git installed.

  • normally you do not replace the PATH completely, but add new directories/folders; in your case it would look like this: PATH = %PATH%;C: Users Gustavo goprojects bin

3 answers


Supposing that the project gocode to which it refers is this:, just turn the command:

go get -u

This will make the package properly installed and its binary available in the folder $GOPATH\bin.


Gustavo, I am programming in GO, I strongly advise to focus on this language.. and a suggestion because I am a programmer for many years.. It uses linux to program in GO, it can even be a Virtualbox and I like to use ATOM, it has several interesting plugins.


Regardless of any project you use, I recommend using Go’s workspaces recommendation. In the documentation they explain how you should create these workspaces.

With this you can make your projects very well structured, and standardized.

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