How to block menu buttons, when a form has not been saved yet, is it possible?


Viewed 76 times


I’m new around here. I’m starting in c# and came across the following question:

I have a form, where I haven’t given a post still, and I didn’t want to let the user leave this screen without saving.

What is the best practice for doing this?

  • 1

    Pablo, you wouldn’t want a user to leave the page without submitting the form, but you don’t want to allow it to go to any page? Like if he clicks another link on the page, if he gives a back in the browser. Explain your goal better with the post and if possible post the code you’ve made so far.

  • I don’t have code yet, because we are because I will only program when questions like this are resolved. I’m just in planning The idea is to block any link, or display a screen stating that the information will not be saved if you don’t click save. What would be the best output, jqueri, javascript....

1 answer


  • Thanks, this will give a direction for development.

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