Check area size on Canvas


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I have a code that when opening the report information, is created in Canvas a rectangle on top of each image. However, these images have different sizes, but the canvas remains the same size. I need to make if the image area is 1 the canvas is drawn smaller, if it is 2 draw the larger canvas and so on. My code is in MVC.

This part is where you create the canvas on top of the image:

<script type="text/javascript">
        function init(i) {
            var img = document.getElementById("foto" + i);
            var cs = getComputedStyle(img);
            var width = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue('width'));
            var height = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue('height'));
            $('#contentCanvas' + i).html('<canvas id="myCanvas' + i + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" >');
            drawImg(img, cs, width, height, i);
        function drawImg(img, cs, width, height, i) {
            var myCanvas = 'myCanvas' + i;
            var canvas = document.getElementById(myCanvas);
            var c = document.getElementById(myCanvas);
            var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
            var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
            drawRetangle(context, width, height);
        function drawRetangle(context, width, height) {
            position_x = parseInt(width) / 2;
            position_y = parseInt(height) / 2;

            position_x = parseInt(position_x) - 20;
            position_y = parseInt(position_y) - 17;

            context.rect(position_x, position_y, 39, 34);
            context.lineWidth = 1;
            context.strokeStyle = '#00FF00';

That’s the part I call the Canvas on HTML:

<img id="foto<?= $key ?>" alt="img" src="<?= $l->img_caminho ?>" onload='init(<?= $key ?>);'>

How do I so that in this code it checks the size of the area and as the value increases or decreases the size of Canvas?

  • Can use CSS. Your c is the variable that receives the canvas. Do = LARGURA and = ALTURA. You check the image size and set a value for the canvas depending on what you need.

  • Sorry @Deesouza in this part I managed to make him take the width and divide in the middle and draw the canvas right in the photo. But the problem is that there are only 3 sizes the photos. You will choose whether you want the small, medium or large area of the drawing. Depending on the area you choose it will record in a field in the database 25,50,100 if it choose the 25, 50 the average and 100 the big. I need to know how I draw the canvas through the value that is in the database, and with this do the check: if it is 25 draw the smaller rectangle, 50 draw the middle and 100 the big.

  • You’ll have to use ajax to make a query in the database.

  • @Deesouza how do I do it? I don’t know much about Canvas

  • How’s your table in the database? You have one ID to the image ? If yes, this ID is what you pass as parameter in the function init() ?

  • @Deesouza this part I already made in the case. The canvas is already drawing on top of the image only that all are in the same size.

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1 answer


The embarrassment is in the function:

function drawRetangle(context, width, height) {
        position_x = parseInt(width) / 2;
        position_y = parseInt(height) / 2;

        position_x = parseInt(position_x) - 20;
        position_y = parseInt(position_y) - 17;

        context.rect(position_x, position_y, 39, 34);
        context.lineWidth = 1;
        context.strokeStyle = '#00FF00';

More properly: "context.rect(position_x, position_y, 39, 34);" At this stage you are giving fixed values.

I propose that you modify javascript to.:

    function init(i) {
        var img = document.getElementById("foto" + i);
        var cs = getComputedStyle(img);
        var width = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue('width'));
        var height = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue('height'));
        $('#contentCanvas' + i).html('<canvas id="myCanvas' + i + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" >');
        drawImg(img, cs, width, height, i);
    function drawImg(img, cs, width, height, i) {
        var myCanvas = 'myCanvas' + i;
        var canvas = document.getElementById(myCanvas);
        var c = document.getElementById(myCanvas);
        var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
        drawRetangle(context, width, height);
    function drawRetangle(context, width, height) {
        não é necessário
        position_x = parseInt(width) / 2;
        position_y = parseInt(height) / 2;

        position_x = parseInt(position_x) - 20;
        position_y = parseInt(position_y) - 17;
        é aqui que estás a colocar o tamanho fixo
        context.rect(position_x, position_y, 39, 34);
        context.rect(0, 0, width, height);
        context.lineWidth = 1;
        context.strokeStyle = '#00FF00';

The example is .: To check to work just modify the width of the image.

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