How to create a new configSections in App.config


Viewed 407 times


I am working with an application that currently uses the section appSettings to obtain application settings through ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.

But I would like a more complex structure for my configuration, something like this:

    <connection name="Conn1" type="sharepoint">
      <username value="login">
    <connection name="Conn2" type="sap">
      <username value="login">
      <password value="password">

I saw something related to configSections but I don’t know how to create a class to use this type of configuration.

How do I create this configuration class? The way this class is used is from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings also?

1 answer


Good afternoon,

I had to store for some time some information about an application, environment settings of the same, it is very simple

    //Instanciando e utilizando o app.conf default da aplicação
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

    //adicionado a chave e valor    

    //adicionado a chave e valor  

     //salvando as configurações

    //desta forma será armazenado no app.conf assim

            <add key="ConfiguracaoHorario" value="BLABLABLA" />
            <add key="IP_Servidor" value="BLABLABLA" />

    // E para recuperar do arquivo as informações

comboBox_configuracao_horario.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ConfiguracaoHorario");
                txt_servidor_banco_dados.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("IP_Servidor");

This is the simplest way to do, in your case, in this most complete structure, I suggest serialize a class in this structure, to create its xml, configuration.

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