Convert . Dav to any other video extension


Viewed 305 times


I’m trying for days to convert .Dav (File generated by dvrs[image recorders]). I’ve tried several variations with the ffmpeg and I cannot succeed.

ffmpeg -i input.Dav -codec:v libx264 -Crf 23 -preset medium -codec:a libfdk_aac -vbr 4 -movflags faststart -vf Scale=-1:720,format=yuv420p output.mp4

Follow the output of the command: Output:

I really need help! Thanks in advance

  • If possible, also provide the environment in use, and the tools you are using. The more details, the more answers you have.

  • I am using windows and linux and in none of the environments have succeeded.

  • There are converters for windows, already for linux I do not know if the operation is already possible, even through the console.

  • Yes, there is. But I need to automate this process, and the converter doesn’t work by commands, only manually...

1 answer


This year’s update of FFMPEG already allows you to do this conversion with the same code, or:

ffmpeg-i TESTE.Dav -s 704x480 -b:v 768k -vcodec H264 -acodec mp3 -Strict -2 "output directory" 01DAV.mp4

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