I’m trying to debug a system made in php using Xdebug. I followed the installation instructions by uncommenting and changing Xdebug settings in php.ini:
zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.3.3-5.5-vc11.dll"
xdebug.remote_autostart = on
xdebug.profiler_append = 0
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 0
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "C:\xampp\tmp"
xdebug.profiler_output_name = "cachegrind.out.%t-%s"
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.remote_host = localhost
xdebug.remote_connect_back= 1
xdebug.remote_port= 9669
xdebug.trace_output_dir = "C:\xampp\tmp"
However when trying to run the system in eclipse, it is eternally waiting session, not debugging the code.
On the Xdebug website, I used phpinfo() analysis and it returned me the following output:
Xdebug installed: 2.3.3
Server API: Apache 2.0 Handler
Windows: yes - Compiler: MS VC11 - Architecture: x86
Zend Server: no
PHP Version: 5.5.27
Zend API nr: 220121212
PHP API nr: 20121212
Debug Build: no
Thread Safe Build: yes
Configuration File Path: C:\Windows
Configuration File: C:\xampp\php\php.ini
Extensions directory: C:\xampp\php\ext
I researched about this problem, but so far I could not fix the configuration for Xdebug to work.