JSF Javadoc not located in Netbeans


Viewed 2,032 times


I use Netbeans 7.2.1 and wondered why only Javadoc of Java objects (java.lang, java.io, etc) are shown. All others (javax.*) show something like this:

javax. faces. context

public Abstract class Facescontext extends Object

Javadoc not located. Javadoc documentation does not exist for this item or you have not added the Javadoc specified in Java Platform Manager or Library Manager.

I tried to include the URL http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api in the Java platform manager Ferramentas > Plataforma java > Javadoc but it didn’t work.

1 answer


You did the right thing to add Javadoc to the JDK, but no for libraries and components outside JDK , such as JSF, referenced in your question.

To add Javadoc to these components in the Netbeans IDE, you must first download this Javadoc from the library’s official website or use Javadoc online from the library itself. Then create your project in Netbeans. With the project created:

  1. Right-click on the project and select Estates;
  2. Select from the menu on the left Libraries;
  3. On the tab Compile, select the library you want to add Javadoc to;
  4. Click the button Edit;
  5. Click on the tab Javadoc;
  6. Add the downloaded file or Javadoc URL;
  7. End;
  • In project properties there is no Libraries menu. In the Compile item I only have how to select or manage the platform (JDK)

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