User not found in PHP login with BD


Viewed 312 times


I am trying to log into the system using PHP database but even using the correct email and password, it does not connect. I believe you really can’t find the record, since it goes through the query but not the following if.

Follow the Login.class:

class Login{

    public function logar($email, $senha){
        $buscar=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE email='$email' AND senha='$senha' LIMIT 1");

        if(mysql_num_rows($buscar) == 1){


            $_SESSION["email"]= $dados["email"];
            $_SESSION["senha"]= $dados["senha"];



                $flash="Logado com sucesso";


                $flash= "Digite seu e-mail e sua senha corretamente!"; //Se peço para retornar o $email ele retorna.

            echo $flash;


} ?>

And the login.php

    if($startaction == 1 && $acao == "logar"){

    $email= ($_POST["email"]);
    $senha= sha1($_POST["senha"]); //$senha=addslashes(sha1($_POST["senha"]."ProjetoY"));

    if(empty($email) || empty($senha)){
        $msg="Preencha todos os campos!";

            $msg="Digite seu e-mail corretamente!";

            //Executa a busca pelo usuario
            $login=new Login;
            echo "<div class=\"flash\">";
            $login=$login->logar($email, $senha); 

    }} ?>
  • 2

    And what can we do to help you, other than warn you that your code is vulnerable to attack?

  • 2

    Makes it vulnerable!!!

  • I know about vulnerabilities and I even have ideas to make a better security, but at first it’s just to show a login system. rs

  • where is your connection to the bank?!

  • Dude this is college work, these days a guy came up with difficulty with that same code! hahaha

  • Look what they are teaching in the faculties. It must be Systems Technology :P

  • Password is not encrypted in the bank?

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1 answer


Its class, read and improved, there are several ways to improve security, but as the subject is not that:

    class Login {

        private $conexao;

        public function __construct() {
            $this->conexao = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die("Erro na conexão!");
            mysql_select_db('banco', $this->conexao);

        public function logar($email, $senha) {
            $buscar = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE email= '".addslashes(trim($email))."' AND senha= '".addslashes(trim($senha))."' LIMIT 1", $this->conexao);

                if(mysql_num_rows($buscar ) == 1) {
                    $dados = mysql_fetch_array($buscar);
                    $_SESSION["email"]= $dados["email"];
                    $_SESSION["senha"]= $dados["senha"]; // qual a necessidade de guardar a senha em sessao???


                if(isset($log)) {
                    $flash = "Logado com sucesso";
                } else { 
                    if(empty($flash)) {
                        $flash= "Digite seu e-mail e sua senha corretamente!"; //Se peço para retornar o $email ele retorna.
                echo $flash;
  • Thanks, but you still have the same problem. = / I can post DB.class if it helps.

  • debug your step code in step, focus the connection in a file only better still, you can take it out what I did, var_dump() on the returned variables, if you still can not put your code all that we try to help.

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