C# I have a Steam swap bot and it returns the error "Undefined object reference to an instance of an object"


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I searched all the other topics and saw several answers but I can’t apply them to my application because I don’t know anything about C#... My site is CS:GO betting and I have a C# bot that works as normally as it should (when you complete the amount of items in the betting pot it makes the draw) but I need it to also activate when the time is up for depositing skins. So I just took the command he executes when the pot gets full and pasted in the part where time runs out.

The command that works(parts of it) is this:

namespace SteamBot
public class DepositTradeOfferUserHandler : UserHandler
    public DepositTradeOfferUserHandler(bot bot, SteamID sid) : base(bot,       sid) { }
BotInventory botInventory = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BotInventory> (botInvString);
                    if (botInventory.success != true) {
                        Log.Error ("An error occured while fetching the bot's inventory.");
                    var rgInventory = botInventory.rgInventory;

                    //Create trade offer for the winner
                    var winnerTradeOffer = Bot.NewTradeOffer (winnerSteamID);

This part works perfectly... Now the part I created that is activated when time runs out and the draw is held:

Task f = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>

        int count = 1;

        while (count <= 1)
var rgInventory = botInventory.rgInventory;

                //Create trade offer for the winner
                var winnerTradeOffer = bot.NewTradeOffer(winnerSteamID);

                //Loop through all winner's items and add them to trade
                List<long> alreadyAddedToWinnerTrade = new List<long>();

Note that it is the same command but in this second block the code does not work. Error message: CS0120 C# An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'bot.NewTradeOffer(SteamID)'

I know it must be something simple, but I don’t know anything about C# and I really need your help, thank you. If you need any more code or explanation, just say the word. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I noticed that the two codes were not similar so I renamed "bot" to "bot" to look like this, and now the error message is this: CS0236 C# A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'UserHandler.Bot'

  • This error is occurring in this line var winnerTradeOffer = bot.Newtradeoffer(winnerSteamID); from the part you copied and pasted?

  • You’re right there’s a difference between bot and Bot-- probably, one is an instance of the class Bot, and the other is the class Bot if. The function NewTradeOffer() is static? If it is, Bot.NewTradeOffer that’s right.

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